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66690 人参与  2020年08月13日 10:21  分类 : 数据汇总  评论


Key points

The number of students applying to study at Oxford has been rising year on year, but the number

of undergraduate places available has risen only slightly to around 3,300. In 2019, almost four

fifths of those places (2,586) went to students living in the UK.

Between 2015 and 2019, within the total group of UK-domiciled undergraduates admitted:

• The proportion from state schools rose from 55.6%1 to 62.3%.

• The proportion identifying as Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) rose from 14.5% to 22.1%.

• The proportion from socio-economically disadvantaged areas rose from 8.6% to 12.2%.

• The proportion from areas of low progression to higher education rose from 10.8% to 14.0%.

• The proportion declaring a disability rose from 6.9% to 9.4%.

• The proportion of women rose from 47.5% to 54.4%.

About this report

This report presents undergraduate admissions statistics for the University of Oxford over five

admissions years between 2015 and 2019, broken down into chapters covering the following

areas: overall numbers, domicile, nation and region, disadvantage, school type, gender, ethnicity

and disability.

The report includes information for Oxford’s colleges and largest courses, aggregated for the

three admissions years 2017 to 2019. Aggregation has been used as small yearly figures are

likely to provide a misleading picture. Nonetheless, some figures remain so small that a handful

of decisions can appear to create large swings which have limited statistical value. This health

warning applies even more strongly to single-year statistics for colleges and courses. The full

data are available to view online: ox.ac.uk/adstats.

The report also provides some national context for Oxford’s data, primarily based on figures

from the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA). This includes information on the numbers

of students achieving Oxford’s minimum standard offer: three A grades or better at A-level and

equivalent Scottish qualifications. It also compares Oxford’s data with the higher education

sector as a whole and with the Russell Group of leading universities.

A summary of Oxford’s admissions process can be found on page 38.

牛津大学(Oxford)官网发布的2019年度报告(共40页)  牛津大学 英国大学 数据 第1张
牛津大学(Oxford)官网发布的2019年度报告(共40页)  牛津大学 英国大学 数据 第2张
牛津大学(Oxford)官网发布的2019年度报告(共40页)  牛津大学 英国大学 数据 第3张
牛津大学(Oxford)官网发布的2019年度报告(共40页)  牛津大学 英国大学 数据 第4张
牛津大学(Oxford)官网发布的2019年度报告(共40页)  牛津大学 英国大学 数据 第5张



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