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43707 人参与  2020年12月27日 11:46  分类 : 纵观深国交  评论

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As an advanced and high-end platform of international educational recourses and services, and a promoter of international school ranking evaluation, brand media and scientific research education, KingLead has been conducting continuous and in-depth research and analysis on the competitiveness of international schools in China, deeply exploring the characteristics of international schools, in order to optimize evaluation standards, promote industrial upgrading and promote the cultivation of international innovative talents.

At KingLead International School Competitiveness Ranking Conference & Nobel Innovation Forum,

Witnessed by three Nobel Laureates,

Nobel Laureate in Economics

Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine

Nobel Laureate in Physics


KingLead grandly released the 

2020  China International School Competitiveness Ranking

Chaired professors from Harvard University and Cambridge University and more than 100 international school headers from Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen also attended the event. KingLead International School Competitiveness Ranking Conference & Nobel Innovation Forum has received extensive attention from experts, scholars, school principles and  managers, students and parents in the field of international education.

Because there are differences in admission process between U.S. universities and U.K. universities, The China International School Competitiveness Ranking is divided into two directions, one is for enrollment to U.S. universities, another one is for enrollment to U.K. universities. 

Research Object

The schools in China mainland (except Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan) which apply international high school courses and whose students are aiming at studying abroad.

Data Sources

All the data comes from objective data sources and exclusive data from KingLead Research Institute. There are 1258 official websites and 570 official WeChat subscriptions of international schools. 5 official websites of the examinations committee and 7 official websites of the certification Authority

2020中国国际学校竞争力排行榜:深国交英国方向全国继续排名第1  深国交 深圳国际交流学院 排名 第7张

The main data sources are as follows:

The official website of IBO

The official website of College Board

The official website of CIE

The official website of Edexcel

The official website of AQA

The official website of NCCT

The official website of NEASC
The official website of CIS

The official website of WASC

The official website of ACAMIS

The official website of EARCOS

The official website of FOBISIA

Official website & WeChat official account of international schools

Exclusive data of the KingLead Research Institute


Enrollment to U.K. Universities

2020中国国际学校竞争力排行榜:深国交英国方向全国继续排名第1  深国交 深圳国际交流学院 排名 第8张

Enrollment to U.S. Universities

2020中国国际学校竞争力排行榜:深国交英国方向全国继续排名第1  深国交 深圳国际交流学院 排名 第9张

Indicator System

Based on available objective data and exclusive data from KingLead Research Institute, the ranking utilizes quantitative model and compositive weighted score to reflect international schools' comprehensive competitiveness from three core dimensions : International Certification, Faculty, and Enrollment to Universities.


This indicator includes two sub indicators: Certification by Mainstream Exam Committee, Certification by Mainstream Certification Authority.

Certification by Mainstream Exam Committee:

If IB course has been certificated by IBO

If AP course has been certificated by College Board

If IGCSE/A-Level course has been certificated by CIE

If IGCSE/A-Level course has been certificated by Edexcel

If IGCSE/A-Level course has been certificated by AQA

Certification by Mainstream Certification Authority:









Faculty-Student Ratio

Percentage of Foreign Faculties

Percentage of Highly Educated Faculties

(with Master Degree or Above)

Enrollment to Universities

There are 6 sub-indicators according to the rankings of the U.S. universities that students have enrolled. The rankings of U.S. universities used in this ranking refer to U.S. News Best National University Rankings.

Number of students entering TOP 3 Universities

Number of students entering TOP 4-10 Universities

Number of students entering TOP 11-20 Universities

Number of students entering TOP 21-30 Universities

Number of students entering TOP 31-40 Universities

Number of students entering TOP 41-50 Universities

There are 6 sub-indicators according to the rankings of the U.K. universities that students have enrolled. The rankings of U.K. universities used in this ranking refers to U.K. universities selected as TOP 100 in U.S. News  Best Global University Rankings.

Number of students entering TOP 2 U.K. Universities in TOP 100 universities

Number of students entering TOP 3 U.K. Universities in TOP 100 universities

Number of students entering TOP 4-5 U.K. Universities in TOP 100 universities

Number of students entering TOP 6-8 U.K. Universities in TOP 100 universities

Number of students entering TOP 9-10 U.K. Universities in TOP 100 universities

Number of students entering other U.K. Universities in TOP 100 universities

2020中国国际学校竞争力排行榜:深国交英国方向全国继续排名第1  深国交 深圳国际交流学院 排名 第10张

2020中国国际学校竞争力排行榜:深国交英国方向全国继续排名第1  深国交 深圳国际交流学院 排名 第11张

Rating System

Based on the score and ranking results, the competitiveness level of each school is rated as below:

The rankings 1-3 correspond to the "5A" rating, the 4-10 rankings correspond to the "4A" rating, the 11-30 rankings correspond to the "3A" rating, the 31-50 rankings correspond to the "2A" rating, ranking 51-100 corresponds to the "A" rating, ranking 101-200 corresponds to the "A" rating, ranking 201-300 corresponds to the " TOP300" rating,ranking 301-400 corresponds to the " TOP400" rating.

2020中国国际学校竞争力排行榜:深国交英国方向全国继续排名第1  深国交 深圳国际交流学院 排名 第12张

Data Processing

1. During the ranking process, for each of the 21 indicators, the school with the highest score is assigned with 100 points. Other schools are assigned values according to the ratio of the highest values for each indicator. Then, the school’s scores on 21 indicators are weighted, so that the school with the highest total score is 100 points, and the rest of schools score in proportion to the highest value.

2. Before the deadline, if a school’s objective data of college enrollment of Class of 2020 cannot be found, or its objective data doesn’t show which year it belongs to or which campus it belongs to, or its objective data is for the whole education group it belongs instead of this branch school to or all campuses including this branch school, this school is not included in the ranking.

3. Since every school has a different way of measuring objective data or describing data, each student’s enrollment result for the indicator of Enrollment to Universities is calculated as follows,

1) For the class of 2020, f a school’s objective data announces which university each student enters and who  the student is, this student and his/her enrollment result is counted for this school.

2) For the class of 2020, if a school’s objective data only announces each student’s all offers received and who  the student is, but doesn’t announce which university each student enters, the highest ranked university among offers received by each student is counted for this school.

3) For the class of 2020, If a school’s objective data only announces the total number of offers received by the whole class but doesn’t announce which university each student enters and who  the student is, then assuming that each student of this school receives 5 offers on average, one-fifth of the total numbers of offers from each university is counted for this school. The final number small than 1 is counted as 1.

4) For the class of 2020, if a school’s objective data only announces a list of the universities where the whole class has received offers but doesn’t announce which university each student enters and who  the student is, it is assumed that one student of this school enrolls one university in this list.

5) For the class of 2020, if a school’s objective data only announces the enrollment results of a part of Class of 2020, only the announced data are used.

6) In addition to the above situations, if a school's objective data doesn’t show which year it belongs to, or its objective data is for the whole education group it belongs to or is for all campuses including this branch school, then it is assumed that this school’s data for the indicator of Enrollment to Universities is missing.




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