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深国交2022年新学期社团招新第三弹 ECA clubs(3)

31329 人参与  2022年09月16日 21:54  分类 : 学在深国交  评论


社团展 第三弹

深国交2022年新学期社团招新第三弹 ECA clubs(3)  深国交 深圳国际交流学院 学在国交 第1张




This article is an introduction to different clubs in the Performance, Sports&Fitness, Literary&Artistic Creation, Speech&Debate, Others area.




[ 管弦乐团 ]

深国交2022年新学期社团招新第三弹 ECA clubs(3)  深国交 深圳国际交流学院 学在国交 第2张深国交2022年新学期社团招新第三弹 ECA clubs(3)  深国交 深圳国际交流学院 学在国交 第3张

社团介绍 Intro

SCIE Orchestra是深国交唯一认证的官方管弦乐团,也是由学生于2015年创建自营的专业管弦乐团。每一位成员的想法都会被重视;每一位成员都是乐团里不可分割的一部分;每一位成员都将收获宝贵的演奏经历。

我们会不断征求团员的意见来丰富演奏的曲目,在SCIE Orchestra,一切音乐都有可能被奏响。

SCIE Orchestra is the only official orchestra in SCIE It was founded by students in 2015.

We respect every idea;We cherish every member;We provide wonderful performance experiences.

We are constantly accepting suggestions for pieces to perform, in SCIE Orchestra, nothing is impossible.


[ 街舞社 ]

Sparkling Dance Club

深国交2022年新学期社团招新第三弹 ECA clubs(3)  深国交 深圳国际交流学院 学在国交 第4张

社团介绍 Intro


作为国交的元老社团之一,Sparkling dance club一直穿梭在校园里的各大活动之间。从Halloween Night, SCIE Got Talent到New Year Concert,我们始终致力于为观众带来最精彩、酷炫的舞台。


Come and dance with us!

Sparkling dance club participates in many big school events (such as SCIE Got Talent, Halloween night, and NYC) every year. This is a great opportunity for you to shine on the stage. 

Sparkling welcomes students who really love street dance. SCIE dancers, do not hesitate to join us!


[ 时装秀社 ]

SCIE Fashion Show

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深国交2022年新学期社团招新第三弹 ECA clubs(3)  深国交 深圳国际交流学院 学在国交 第7张

社团介绍 Intro

-在校园内就能体验到举办Fashion Show的经历
-高中就能参与策划Fashion Show,制作时尚海报和门票,以及学习现场场控技


Our ECA is in charge of the Fashion show held once a year in SCIE to organize and plan. If you are into fashion and want to spread the fashion culture to more students in school, if you want to help and organize one of SCIE's annually most important event, if you want your ideas on fashion to be applied to SCIE's fashion show stage, this is where you want to be. Or even if you just want to learn about fashion, or simply practice your skills on making posters, communication, designing, or organizing and time managing, the fashion show ECA is still a great place to be. 


[ 深国交电视台 ]

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深国交2022年新学期社团招新第三弹 ECA clubs(3)  深国交 深圳国际交流学院 学在国交 第10张

社团介绍 Intro

TBU Studio不仅仅是深国交电视台,更是校内传媒影视类的首席代表社团。2014年创立至今,我们经历着一年又一年的换届和招新,也一直热情地创新和创作。



TBU Studio is not the only TV station in SCIE, but also the chief representative of media societies. Since its establishment in 2014, we have been enthusiastic about innovation and creation.

We are committed to recording and perceiving life in various forms such as videos and photos, becoming the most complete and authoritative platform of SCIE, and carrying forward the power of media.


[ 无伴奏合唱团 ]

ACA Together

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深国交2022年新学期社团招新第三弹 ECA clubs(3)  深国交 深圳国际交流学院 学在国交 第12张

社团介绍 Intro

ACA together阿卡贝拉



A-Capella is a form of performance where music is made only through human voice. We actively participate in big performances and competitions on campus, with additional chances for off campus performances and recordings. 

Join us, let’s ACA together!


[ 性别戏剧社 ]

Gender-Theatre Club 

深国交2022年新学期社团招新第三弹 ECA clubs(3)  深国交 深圳国际交流学院 学在国交 第13张

社团介绍 Intro

Gender-Theatre Club (GTC),是一个热衷于探索性别研究和戏剧如何交错的社团。我们将会分析讨论各种戏剧形式和内容中的性别色彩:该怎样从性别的视角切入分析表演?女性在从古至今的戏剧制作中担任什么角色?性别政治在剧院中存在吗?非二元性别在剧本内容和表演形式中怎样被探索?LGBTQ在剧本中是否有主体性?Drag Queen如何和莎士比亚的作品结合?...



Gender-Theatre Club (GTC),a student initiated club dedicated to exploring how gender and theatre studies intersect. We will analyze and discuss the presence of gender in the forms and contents of theatre, while also look into how theatre can be used to explore gender as well.


[ 嘻哈社 ]

Hiphop Club

深国交2022年新学期社团招新第三弹 ECA clubs(3)  深国交 深圳国际交流学院 学在国交 第14张

社团介绍 Intro

Ayo wassup guys🙌这里是HipHop Club国交说唱社团! 


May rap music bring us more love & peace.

HipHop Club is devoted to help students find love in hip hop music and rapping. We provide you an opportunity to get to know the history, musical jargon, and entire culture behind hip hop music (it’s not just chains and drugs). We go on stages to perform on full blast, produce original hip hop beats and write our own songs. No matter if you’re a newbie or a wunderkind, you are welcome in the hood - as the ultimate goal of this club is to HAVE FUN.


[ 朝徽民乐社 ]

Zhaohui Ensemble

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深国交2022年新学期社团招新第三弹 ECA clubs(3)  深国交 深圳国际交流学院 学在国交 第16张

社团介绍 Intro




Students who are interested in traditional Chinese music and instruments can gather together in this ECA to learn more about music, especially traditional Chinese music. This is done by the appreciation of traditional Chinese music and ensembling different genres of music using traditional Chinese instruments. 


[ 室内乐社 ]

SCIE chamber music

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社团介绍 Intro


SCIE chamber music 向你们敞开!带你们走进全新的音乐世界!

SCIE chamber music 是国交首个室内乐社团,成立于2020年。不同于交响乐团,室内乐人员更少,声部简单,更看重成员于成员之间的配合与默契。室内乐能够提供更深入的音乐素养的培养。

加入SCIE chamber music,不仅能扩充你音乐的知识储备,还能锻炼你对于音乐的敏感度。你将会学会旋律的伴奏与交界,每位演奏者能学会律动的持续和和声的转接,同时,你们还能接触到古典音乐史上丰富多彩的重奏曲目。

SCIE chamber music is a place for classical musical lovers. Here we will practice famous classical music pieces from Baroque, Classical, Romantic and even 20 century music! We aim to spread the classical music all over the school to let every teachers and students to feel the beauty of classical music.

Waiting foryou!


[ 爵士乐社 ]

Free Notes Jazz Club

深国交2022年新学期社团招新第三弹 ECA clubs(3)  深国交 深圳国际交流学院 学在国交 第20张

社团介绍 Intro

“It doesn’t mean a thing if it ain’t got that swing.” 爵士乐以其动人的节奏、丰富梦幻的和声、令人沉醉的即兴与无限丰富的可能性席卷征服了二十世纪,作为现代音乐的基石引领了无数现代音乐风格的诞生并激发了无数音乐家的创作灵感。然而一直以来,爵士乐的教育资源和完善的学习体系都难以寻找;因此,通过这个社团,我们希望能与志同道合的朋友们一同发掘探索这个精彩纷呈的领域。

Free Notes Jazz Club is a music ECA founded by jazz & contemporary music enthusiasts; we welcome anyone interested and passionate about 20th-century music to join and have some fun with us.

Join us and start playing some music~


[ 新古典作曲社 ]

Inspirational and Theoretical Composition

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社团介绍 Intro




Our ECA is currently the only music club in SCIE that focuses on classical music theory and composing. We cover both basic and advanced knowledge of music theory (Harmony, Counterpoint, Orchestration, Musical form, etc.) and how to apply the theories to actual composition.


[ E-Girls ]

深国交2022年新学期社团招新第三弹 ECA clubs(3)  深国交 深圳国际交流学院 学在国交 第22张

社团介绍 Intro


想要成为Kpop star吗!想要在几百人的面前为自家爱豆打歌吗!想要展现自己的舞蹈实力吗!想要向大家介绍Kpop的有关小知识吗


Our ECA is Koop dancing, and we prepare to take part in performances in got talent show, Halloween and new year concert.


[ 热音社 ]

深国交2022年新学期社团招新第三弹 ECA clubs(3)  深国交 深圳国际交流学院 学在国交 第23张

社团介绍 Intro

热音社,是国交最relaxed最fancy资深音乐社团。在这里你将收获专属于你的高中最燃舞台回忆。作为校级演出Fashion Show/Christmas Concert/New Year Concert的常驻嘉宾,你也将有机会登上最闪耀的舞台,向所有人展示你的歌喉。


SCIE singing club is the most relaxing, fancy music club in SCIE. Here you will get your own high school's most exciting stage memories. As the resident guest of the Fashion Show, Christmas Concert, New Year Concert, you will also have the opportunity on the shining stage and show your singing voice to everyone.


[ 水色银风 ]

深国交2022年新学期社团招新第三弹 ECA clubs(3)  深国交 深圳国际交流学院 学在国交 第24张

社团介绍 Intro




Our ECA is a music studio with a strict standard, recruiting only students with sound muscial ability including singing, instrument-playing or music production. Students can find partners to coorperate and join various activities in the school such as the SGT or NYC, while other members help the performers to prepare for the coming performance.



Cross Country

[ 越野社 ]

深国交2022年新学期社团招新第三弹 ECA clubs(3)  深国交 深圳国际交流学院 学在国交 第25张

社团介绍 Intro

越野跑是一项户外跑步运动,比赛距离不等,通常为 5 公里。比赛在自然地形上进行,通常包括草地、泥土地等。越野训练包括各种锻炼,如热身、伸展、节奏跑、短跑、游戏等。



Cross Country is an outdoor run-ning sport with races of varying distances, usually 5km . The races take place over natural terrain, often including grass, dirt…


Training for cross country involves various workouts such as warm-ups, stretching, tempo runs, sprint training, drills, games



[ 滑板社 ]

深国交2022年新学期社团招新第三弹 ECA clubs(3)  深国交 深圳国际交流学院 学在国交 第26张

社团介绍 Intro

SCIE Skateboarding club!!!!



我们会为那些不会滑滑板的同学提供帮助,我们还会教tricks(比如说flips and ollies!!!也可以在这时间自己滑滑板


Our ECA is for experienced pro-skaters and interested newbies alike. We’ll teach you everything starting from the basics; from how to push to how to ollie. Don’t worry if you’ve never stepped foot on a skateboard before — our only requirement is dedication, passion, and lots of patience. Come join us, and try out one of the most fun, most relaxing, and most cool-looking sports.


[ 滑雪社 ]

深国交2022年新学期社团招新第三弹 ECA clubs(3)  深国交 深圳国际交流学院 学在国交 第27张

社团介绍 Intro


国交滑雪社将为你提供一个交友、交流与分享的平台。我们欢迎各路大神以及新手小白的加入。我们将讲解单板🏂的文化和发展史并介绍各种各样滑雪动作(Eg: double cork 1440 vs triple cork 1440),以及如何在雪上 (尤其是backcountry)做好安全防护。后期我们也会尝试与一些机构合作带同学们在滑雪机上进行体验。


SCIE Snowboard Club is built up by a group of enthusiastic skiers with many years of skiing experience. The club aims to promote snowboard culture in SCIE, to gather skiing fans in SCIE and provide a platform for communication. 

Surf Club

[ 冲浪社 ]

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社团介绍 Intro



Surf Club provides members with surfing opportunities indoor and outdoor, introduces surfing culture and knowledge to members, and cooperates with other similar sports clubs to enhance surfing culture. Learning surfing in Surf Club is supported and supervised by professional coaches. 


[ 篮球联盟 ]

社团介绍 Intro

SCIE Basketball League (SBL)是深国交唯一校内篮球联赛,距今已有十余年历史。8支球队百余人将在一年中进行激烈对抗,最终角逐联赛冠军


SCIE Basbetball League (SBL) is a club that provides student with the opportunities to play 5v5 basketball games after school. This year, SBL has 6 captains. Each captains will recruit members in the club to form their own teams and four teams will make it into the playoff. In the playoff, the four teams will play against one another to win the champion title. The mechanism operating the club is similar to that of the NBA


[ 羽毛球队 ]

SCIE Badminton Team

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社团介绍 Intro

我们是国交羽毛球校队,由一群热爱羽毛球并有着卓 (cai) 越 (ji) 技术的小伙伴组成,立志于把校内外所有比赛的决赛打成内战




Badminton is one sport need physical quality and psychological quality, but also exquisite manners. Making all participants have a happy time in the promotion of badminton!


[ 赛艇社 ]

Rowing Club

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深国交2022年新学期社团招新第三弹 ECA clubs(3)  深国交 深圳国际交流学院 学在国交 第33张

社团介绍 Intro

赛艇是一项兼具速度与激情、拼搏与团队、优雅与力量的竞技运动,“深国交Rowing Club”是深国交第一个赛艇社团,致力于推广赛艇运动,激发同学喜爱“水上速划”的热情,强健体魄、提升素质,培养团队协作能力,在训练中锤炼坚毅的品质,在比赛中展现青年的风采




来吧,勇敢拥抱户外的清风阳光,尽情拥抱波澜壮阔的大江大河,加入我们“深国交Rowing Club”

Every Friday at 3:30 p.m. we will go to a training center near the Dasha River and do 2 hours of rowing training together. There will be coaches teaching the students. The rowing center we chose is the only place in Shenzhen that allows people to row on still water. Other rowing centers only have indoor training, but we offer outdoor training


[ 射艺社 ]

Traditional Chinese Archery

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社团介绍 Intro





Traditional Chinese Archery society (TCA) aims to provide a space for anyone to enjoy archery. With a focus on technique, endurance, and mental management, we guide students individually to provide the best experience in practicing traditional archery.


[ 格斗防身社 ]

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社团介绍 Intro

CSSD= Scie combat sports & self-defence Club 


join us




This ECA aims to promote combat sports to students by teaching them basic techniques, also, to raise their awareness of fitness by implementing fitness trainings into hour session.

Waiting foryou!


[ 巧固球社 ]

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社团介绍 Intro

Hiiiii! 这里是Tchoukball Club!!

Tchoukball 是一个非常小众但非常友好的运动,没有肢体冲撞而且很容易上手,同时也和其他球类有一些共同点。不管你是想运动但是不太擅长运动的人或者是想尝试新运动的体育神,tchoukball 都挺适合你。


Hiiiii! This is the Tchoukball Club! !

The usual club activity is to play Tchoukball. The club does not require any sports foundation, so whether you are a novice or an experienced player, you are welcome to come and play~


Literary&Artistic Creation


[ 聚光 ]

Spotlight Initiative

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社团介绍 Intro

聚光Spotlight Initiative是一个以高中生为主导的社群,关注文学、艺术与社会。聚光旨在鼓励严肃文学的妙趣解读、晦涩艺术简明具现,致力于让青年作家的梦想付诸实现。“永远年轻,永远热泪盈眶,”不止箴言,更为情怀。

Spotlight Initiative is a paradise for students who are interested in arts and literature. We hopes through our activities arts and literature could offer our members an insight into the dynamics of the social system and inspiration for their own works. 


[ 绘画交流社 ]

Society of drawing&painting

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社团介绍 Intro

SDP(society of drawing&painting)社团的中心目标是建立一个属于绘画爱好者互相交流学习分享的平台



Society of Drawing&Painting is, as it's name indicates, an ECA based on communication and cooperation between art lovers in SCIE. Here we not only welcome students who wish to take the subject Art and Design, but also wishes to help people who have interest towards drawing and painting, in any form. 


[ 书法社 ]

SCIE calligraphy club

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社团介绍 Intro




Our club are focus on the inherit of the whole Chinese cultures but not only on the academic knowledge on calligraphy. The daily club activities include practice on calligraphy, discussion or courses on appreciation, application of calligraphy and we are also considering about adding the seal cutting into our club. Besides the daily club activities, we will also hold some activities in voluntary ways like selling our works or companying with the Left-behind crowd. 


Speech& Debate



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社团介绍 Intro


TEDxSCIE获得TED官方认证, 是由深国交学生自行打造的演讲分享平台,我们坚信好的创意和思想是值得被传递的。TEDx SCIE是由三个部门组成的社团,富有专业性、凝聚力和高效率。三个部门相互配合,携手共进,积极参社团的建设。


We are TEDxSCIE, the club responsible for all TED related events in SCIE. We hold a conference inviting all SCIE students and teachers to attend each year with different topics in the form of TEDx speech. Apart from the conferences, our club activities also contain discussions on various topics within the club. 

If you are interested in TED or want to improve your public speaking skills, TEDxSCIE is surely a good choice for you!


[ 辩论社 ]

SCIE Debate Club

社团介绍 Intro



Our debate club aims to provide trainings for debate beginners. The leader team of this club are all experienced debaters who are capable of offering high quality training sessions. We all have a passion for debate. 




[ 政治社 ]

Theoretical Politics Club

深国交2022年新学期社团招新第三弹 ECA clubs(3)  深国交 深圳国际交流学院 学在国交 第46张

社团介绍 Intro

喜欢讨论时政热点?喜欢思考宏大叙事?对历史,政治,经济,哲学和国际关系兴趣盎然?TPC is for YOU!!

深国交理论政治社Theoretical Politics Club,简称TPC,建立于2021年,是深国交目前唯一专注于政治理论与思想史的社团。我们致力于为那些对政治、经济、哲学或社会问题感兴趣的同学打造一个共同学习和讨论的场所。进社团并不需要太多理论知识,有一些自己的有趣观点就好。

The Club would be held in the form of seminars to introduce the theories on the topic and encourage people with different ideas to have regular discussions; this could help students develop their logical and critical thinking skills, which would be largely beneficial to their future study and university applications. 

🎉SCIErs, welcome to POLITICS!!!🎉


[ 社会科学分享社 ]

Social science sharing club

社团介绍 Intro

大家好,我们是Social science sharing club,我们有两个部门,经济部门致力于传授经济课内以及竞赛技巧,从而帮助大家对于经济进行更深的钻研;社科部门致力于传授课外的社科知识,激发大家对一众社会科学的兴趣。

The club aims to spread knowledge of social science which the students seldom learns in courses provided by the school to all year groups, this knowledge may include Economics, Psychology, History, Geography, Philosophy, Medical ethics, and so on. 

We are looking forward to your coming!!!

[ 动物关爱社 ]

深国交2022年新学期社团招新第三弹 ECA clubs(3)  深国交 深圳国际交流学院 学在国交 第47张
👆 TNR救助的动物
深国交2022年新学期社团招新第三弹 ECA clubs(3)  深国交 深圳国际交流学院 学在国交 第48张

社团介绍 Intro



TNR is about Trap Neuter Release. By doing the action of TNR can reduce the amount of stray animals and help them to find a home. Meanwhile, benefiting the environment of city by reducing noise pollution and make the streets cleaner. This action can also have a great impact of the stray animals as small effort can change their life.


[ 光合作用教育社 ]

Photosynthesis Teaching Club

深国交2022年新学期社团招新第三弹 ECA clubs(3)  深国交 深圳国际交流学院 学在国交 第49张

社团介绍 In

社团介绍 Intro

你是否在找一个不仅仅能提供CS hour支教机会,还能同时学到教育学和心理学的知识的平台?你是否担心支教任务限制太多,没有办法制定自己的教育方针?快来光合作用教育社!一个完美的教育与心理学实践平台!

我们会在日常社活讲解教育学、儿童心理学、发展心理学。有时复盘假期支教。每逢假期,我们还会开放给社员支教(提供CS hour)的机会。我们的支教项目灵活度高,且不收取任何费用。

It is about education. We discuss global education issue every week during the activity time. And we plan then go for teaching trip every holiday to teach children in other cities.


[ 全美未来商业领袖竞赛社 ]

深国交2022年新学期社团招新第三弹 ECA clubs(3)  深国交 深圳国际交流学院 学在国交 第50张

深国交2022年新学期社团招新第三弹 ECA clubs(3)  深国交 深圳国际交流学院 学在国交 第51张

社团介绍 Intro

我们是FBLA全美未来商业领袖竞赛社团,一个帮助所有热爱经济、商务学子准备FBLA竞赛的社团。我们隶属于FBLA China旗下官方School Chapter。我们会带领所有社员进行FBLA赛事的辅导,并定期展开跨校往届优秀FBLA选手参赛经验分享等。

Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) is the largest career student business organization and high school business competition in the world. SCIE FBLA club is an official chapter(school club) affiliate to FBLA China, we will teach the club members how to prepare for the FBLA competition as well as helping the teacher with the register process.


创业学社 ]

BizTheory Club

深国交2022年新学期社团招新第三弹 ECA clubs(3)  深国交 深圳国际交流学院 学在国交 第52张

社团介绍 Intro

🙌🏻Hiya!我们是隶属于全球性非盈利组织BizTheory NPO的创业学社团,致力于为高中生提供创业方面的教学,社团中最优秀的Startup将会获得高达30万美元💰的创业基金(我们已与国内外多家风险投资公司达成合作),并真正实现你们的Business Idea✨!我们期待着与各位优秀的小企业家们会面!

Don’t hesitate to unleash your inner entrepreneurship in BizTheory Club with 300 thousand US dollars Startup funds provided by real venture capitalist!


Article | SCIE ECA Leaders

Editing | Carmen Claire

本篇文章来源于微信公众号: 深国交



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