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深国交商务实践社BPC:让你钱包空空的N种定价策略  学在国交 深国交商务实践社 第1张






1. 一个好的价格可以反应商品的属性


2. 一个好的价格可以让商品在市场里具有竞争力


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1. 成本基础定价法

- 这个方法最常被个体商户等小型企业使用,主要因为这个定价法最为直接。


- E.g.小编小时候卖玫瑰就是使用这种定价策略,我的批发价是4元,售卖5元一支,所以我的利润是25%。

2. 价值基础定价法

- 和第一种的侧重点不同,这种定价策略看重的是消费者对这个产品的赋值,而非生产者的成本。这个好处是最终的定价将更容易被大众所接受,但难点在于如何知道消费者愿意为你这个产品支付多少钱。

3. 竞争性定价

- 竞争性定价,顾名思义,就是以竞争者所设的价格作为参考,也就省去了市场调研的一些费用。这个一般适用于一个完全竞争市场,在这个市场里所有商家的价格趋向一致,或者寡头垄断的场景:爱奇艺,腾讯视频,芒果TV会员的价格相近。

- 但在实施这个策略的时候切忌忽略自己的生产成本而盲目跟风。

- 寡头垄断:是指当一个市场被少部分公司所占领。和完全竞争性市场不同,寡头企业可以联合起来提高价格,成为价格的制定者。

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4. 撇脂定价

- 你一定在疑惑,这价格还能脱脂吗?!撇脂定价相比起前面几个感觉高深不少,其主要原理是:在没有同类产品的竞争下,对于一部分购买力强的客户收取较高的价格以加快回收初期投资成本的速度,减少投资风险;当竞争者涌入市场时,再逐步降低价格来维持性价比

- E.g. 苹果公司就靠这个手段获得了更多的利润。

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5. 渗透定价法

- 渗透定价法指商家通过极低的成本进入一个新市场来抢占更多的市场份额,之后当竞争者因为抵挡不住激烈的价格战而退出市场时再逐步提升价格。如果你留意一下身边刚开张的外卖店,你会发现他们刚开业的折扣会非常大,过了一阵子之后优惠券的力度会渐渐变小。

- 但是对于小公司,这种方法伴随着不少的风险,小编去年在一家外卖店开业时只用了个位数的价格连续订了3周的外卖,但这家店最后没撑过两个月就倒闭了,可见顾客的忠实度并没有高到让他们为后面高了10元的价格买账。

- 小提示:渗透定价可能成为价格战的一个导索,让商家之间开始了恶性的价格竞争。

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6. 奇偶定价法

- 最后一种定价方法也很通俗易懂,商家在价格上面玩了一些小心思。与其定价为9元,他们会定为9.99元,这不仅能多收0.99元,还能保持顾客“这只要个位数”的错觉,降低人们对价格的敏感度。商家将会在看似不起眼的几毛钱里获得不少额外的利润。

7. 价格歧视

- 价格歧视既可以算一种定价方式,也可以算作销售模式。它的定义为卖同一个产品时向不同顾客收取不一样的费用从而增加需求量以及总收入。价格歧视也分为三种:一级价格歧视,二级价格歧视,三级价格歧视。

- 在这里我们先用最不常见,但是最基础的一级价格歧视来做铺垫。在一级价格歧视中,商家清楚的知道消费者的保留价格(即消费者愿意为一个产品付得最高价格),然后向买家逐个收取。可能看到这里,大家就可以明白一级价格歧视在真是生活中很少见的原因,绝大多数商家很难完全了解个人的消费偏好。倘若要通过市场调查来获得的话,也将花费大量的时间及人力成本。但有一些商家,例如汽车4S店,通过雇佣销售来和顾客谈判价格,很多时候来来回回的讨价还价会让售卖价格逐渐向保留价格接近。

- 感兴趣的同学可以查一下《初来乍到》买汽车的桥段,在这个片段里路易斯黄和她妻子的保留价格低于市面上大多数客户,但仍高于产商的边际成本,所以最后通过一路杀价达到了一个接近于保留价格的点。如果换作是一个更富裕的顾客,他们可能会在第一个销售给出一点优惠时就下单,因为他们的保留价格更高。

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(p=price D(Q)是需求曲线 Q是生产数量)

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得出 y1=45, y2=40


p1=55, p2=20







求出y= 85, p=115/3 S





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排版|Florence Yawen

深国交商务实践社BPC:让你钱包空空的N种定价策略  学在国交 深国交商务实践社 第10张



Pricing strategies — what make your wallet empty



Although setting a reasonable price can help a company to obtain higher revenue, there are still many merchants who ignore the importance of pricing. Especially for some small-scale businesses, they just add a little premium to the cost of production to set the official sale price.

This tweet will introduce some of the most common pricing strategies to provide inspiration for students preparing to participate in BPC’s 12th Business Practice Competition. If you are not one of the participants, you are still very welcomed to continue reading this article! Perceiving merchants’ pricing strategies will also help you to avoid falling into tricks played by the merchants in your future purchase of goods.

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What Is “Pricing”?

"Pricing" has been mentioned for multiple times from the very beginning, but what exactly is pricing? Pricing is, quite literally, the amount of money a consumer has to pay for the product or service. But do not underestimate this simple number, which contains the merchant’s positioning of the brand, and also contains the important factors that affect the consumer's decision to buy the product.

What Kind of Pricing Is Appropriate?

1. An appropriate price reflects the nature of the product

In this era of increasingly symmetrical commodity information, many consumers still have a price bias. For instance, people often have the subconscious as "you get what you pay for” and "the more expensive means the better”. Therefore, merchants need to consider what kind of first impression the price of a product will indicate to consumers: it can be a low price that brings a feeling of "small profit and high turnover", or a slightly higher price than the market price, which brings a sense of superiority of "exclusive customization”.

2. An appropriate price makes the product competitive in the market.

Generally speaking, as long as the lower price is well-advertised, so that consumers know where to buy to spend relatively less amount of money, the merchant will naturally be in a competitive position. But if the price is higher than the average market price, the merchants needs to highlight its own unique selling point and convince consumers of the difference between its product and similar products in the market.

Knowing the importance of pricing and the two criteria for an "appropriate" price, let's take a look at some common pricing strategies.

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Common Pricing Strategies

1. Cost Plus Pricing

- This method is most commonly used by small businesses such as individual merchants, mainly because it is the most straightforward method of pricing.

price = cost x (1 + markup)

- Eg: I used this pricing strategy to sell roses when I was young. The wholesale price was 4 yuan, and I sold them for 5 yuan, so my profit was 25%.

2. Value Based Pricing

- Different from the first strategy, this one focuses on the value assigned to the product by the consumer, rather than the cost to the producer. The advantage is that the final price will be more acceptable to the public, but the difficulty is to know how much consumers are willing to pay for your product.

3. Competitive Pricing

- Competitive pricing, as the name implies, refers to the price set by competitors as a reference, which saves some costs of market research. This generally applies to a perfectly competitive market, where prices of all merchants tend to be the same, or an oligopoly scenario: iQiyi, Tencent Video, and Mango TV members have similar prices.

- But in implementing this strategy, don't ignore your own production costs and blindly follow the trend.

- (Oligopoly is when a market is dominated by a small number of companies. Unlike a perfectly competitive market, oligopolies can work together to raise prices and become price setters.)

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4. Price Skimming

- You must be wondering, can the price also skim? !

- Skimming pricing, compared with the previous ones, has a lot more of depth. Its main principle is: in the absence of similar product competition, charge at a higher price towards consumers with higher capability of purchasing to speed up the recovery of initial investment costs and reduce the investment risk. When competitors rush into the market, the price will be lowered gradually to maintain the cost performance.

- Eg: Apple earned more profits by this strategy.

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5. Penetration Pricing

- Penetration pricing refers to the practice of gaining market share by entering a new market at a very low cost, and then gradually raising prices when competitors exit the market due to fierce price wars. If you look at the new takeout restaurants around you, you'll notice that the discounts they offer when they open are very high, and after a while the coupons taper off.

- (However, for small companies, this strategy is accompanied with many risks. Last year, when a new takeout shop opened, I ordered takeout for 3 weeks at a single digit price, but the shop closed down within two months. It can be seen that customer loyalty is not high enough to make them cover the higher price of 10 yuan.)

- Tip: Penetration pricing may ignite the price war, allowing vicious price competition between merchants.

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This is what really exists!

6. Parity pricing

- The last pricing strategy is also very easy to understand, the merchants play with the price of a little thought. Instead of charging 9 yuan, they will charge 9.99 yuan, which not only adds 0.99 yuan, but also keeps customers' illusion that it's only in the single digits, reducing people's sensitivity to the price. Merchants will get a lot of extra profit out of what looks like a few pennies.

7. Price Discrimination

- Price discrimination can be either a pricing strategy or a sales model. It is defined as charging different customers different fees to sell the same product, so as to increase the demand and total revenue. Price discrimination is also divided into three categories: first-tier price discrimination, second-tier price discrimination and third-tier price discrimination.

- Here we start with the least common, but most basic, form of first-tier price discrimination. In first-tier price discrimination, a merchant knows exactly what a consumer's reserve price is (that is, the maximum price a consumer is willing to pay for a product) and then charges buyers one by one. Perhaps you can see the reason why first-tier price discrimination is really rare in life. It is difficult for most businesses to fully understand individual consumption preferences. If it is to be obtained through market research, it will take a lot of time and labor costs. However, some businesses, such as Automobile 4S shops, employ sales to negotiate the price with customers. In many cases, the back and forth bargaining will make the selling price gradually close to the reserve price.

- If you are interested in this scenario, you can look up the car buying scene (in Fresh Off The Boat) in which the reserve price of Lewis Huang and his wife is lower than that of most customers in the market, but still higher than the marginal cost of the manufacturer, so they finally reach a point close to the reserve price by bargaining all the way. If it were a more affluent customer, they might order as soon as the first sale offers a small discount because they have a higher reserve price.

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Consider using algebra:


(p=price D(Q) is the demand curve and Q is the quantity produced)

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When price discrimination is applied, merchants will choose to produce the same quantity as they would in a perfectly competitive market.

Here is another question that you might want to have a try:

Suppose a monopolist has two demand curves:



And the marginal cost is 10 yuan. Please calculate the price under price discrimination and the price under non-price discrimination respectively.

Reference Answer:

When price discrimination is possible, you can separate the two equations and find the inverse demand function first:



When marginal costs are equal to marginal benefits, you can write the equation:



We get y1= 45, y2 = 40

Substituting the original demand curve, we got:

 P1 =55 and P2 =20

When price discrimination is not allowed, meaning that the monopolist can charge only one price, we will add the two equations together to find aggregate demand:


We also find the inverse demand function:


When marginal costs are equal to marginal benefits, you can write the equation:


We get y = 85, p = 115/3 S



The above is a general introduction of pricing and pricing strategies. I hope that after reading this tweet, you can better understand the thoughts of the merchants. You can use it when you start a small business in high school.

If there are any unclear points in this article, welcome to BPC Academic Department and let’s discuss together~

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Design|Florence Yawen

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