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12815 人参与  2020年05月30日 08:17  分类 : 其它  评论

贝赛思国际学校疫情期间“强势”涨学费,遭75%家长联名反对!  国际学校 疫情相关 第1张








贝赛思国际学校疫情期间“强势”涨学费,遭75%家长联名反对!  国际学校 疫情相关 第2张

贝赛思国际学校疫情期间“强势”涨学费,遭75%家长联名反对!  国际学校 疫情相关 第3张
针对学费涨价及预定金的问题,深圳贝赛思国际学校家长群进行了公开调研:参与调研的246位家中,有近75%不愿意交定金,并对于学校的“不交定金就不保留学位”的做法表示难以接受。同时,家们对于交了定金后,需要在2020 年5月28日前交完学费这样“跨年预收”行为合规性表示质疑。
1、校方和家协商确定《学费涨价机制》,明确什么条件下涨价? 最大涨幅是什么?需要有明确的量化指标;
While we are grateful for your trust and choice in the past years, it is with great regret that you have decided not to reenroll your child in BASIS International School Shenzhen for the 2020-21 school year.(很遗憾,您未能选择深圳贝赛思国际学校作为您孩子未来学习成长的地方;但很感恩您曾经认可我们,选择我们。)


About the explain of the due date of deposit payment in Our Pursuit and Our Persistence
1, 此时收定金,是用于招聘新的外教。
2, 在春节后催收是为了外教有3个月时间准备接受offer办理签证。
3, 定金确保了来年教学工作的确定性。
4, 学费涨价,是为了让外教接受offer逆行中国
According to the letter, the reasons listed as below:
1, to recruit the new expatriate teachers
2, to give a buffer period of 3 months to teachers who accepted the offer to the departure and settle down in China
3, to make the education work continuous, to give the future certainty
4, to attract the teachers to come back to China in such a dangerous time.
The letter initiated a major concern that: Maybe something going  inconsistently in the management and bonding between school and the expatriate teachers. Why a good and steady school team have to recruit and recruit again?
1)    如果basis深圳的外教稳定性较高,需要补充招新的外教人数相应很少,则无须在此疫情关口,催收家长的五千万定金(假设学校学生1000人,事实应该不止),难道五千万的是用于招聘个位数的新外教?而且是年年如此?
The deposit payment can be about more than 50 millions (1000 students at least). Is The Letter telling us, the school has to use this huge amount of funding to recruit several new expatriate teachers?
2)    学校今年有多少老师结束合同?以致于需要如此固定的周期来招聘外教。学校是否与老师签定的合同缺乏约束力?老师是否可以随意以个人意愿、或者不可抗力等因素离开?
That also causes a new question, how many teacher leave when a school year ends? How is the duty and commitment part on the teachers? Is the contracts binding on teacher’s side too loose and free?
3)    学校对老师的约束力,是否太过集中于“有竞争力的薪酬”手段?而非更好的本地化管理、文化融入、企业文化的感染力?中国有句俗话,能拿钱解决的都不是问题,但我们想补充一点,年年拿钱来解决的,一定是教育中的大问题。我们需要学校对外教稳定性,做固定周期的公示。
Dose the bonding with teachers, which the letter is saying, emphasize too much on “salary”, but not a localized management, cultural integrate and the school’s vision.
We requests for announcement about the teachers job security and stability.
4)    学校《声明》中说,由于新冠疫情,外教留存续签意愿低,增加了不确定性,所以需要催收定金增加确定性来确保来年工作,那么,为何学校只是单方面向家长索取确定性,而不向外教“索取”确定性?外教有多少回华回深?有多少放弃职位?
The Letter said, school need to collect the deposit for the purpose of offering a future certainty. But why it is only parent’s role to offer the certainty, on the other side to loose the certainty of teachers?
5)    此外,学校外教常年换新,更是以其它借口为由每年更换班主任,如何保证新老师对学校课程体系的认知以及对孩子的了解?
Is that the real reason for frequently changing the main teacher in a class every school year? How to maintain the bonding between teacher and children. How the teachers can focus and get familiar with the curriculum in such a pop-on and pop-off situation?
6)    《声明》认为仅仅是教育情怀无法留住外教,需要提供更有竞争力的薪酬来吸引外教留任,甚至是让外教们冒着风险,在当前疫情下“逆行”来华,都需要有竞争力的薪酬来体现。假设这条合理的话,是否说明, 3-6%的涨薪,可以决定一名外教来华与否的意愿,甚至可以跨越原本阻碍他前来的健康风险?
The novel coronavirus pneumonia keeps teachers away from us at oversea, why an increase of salary about 3-6% can attract them out of the fear and drive them to come back to China?
7)    如果一名外籍教师会因为新冠病毒而拒绝来到中国,如果一名教师会因为6%的薪酬区别来决定是否回来中国授课,如果一名教师会与一家学校签定松散的条款/随时单方面放弃职位,那么,如何证明这样的教师是一名好教师?如何证明老师们喜爱中国、愿意融入中国的教育事业?是不求功利真心热爱教育事业的老师?
Concluding the above reasoning, how to prove that these teachers are really the ones who like China, willing to Integrate into the culture and work together with Chinese families which are so friendly and kindly to them,and who are really committed to the education career?
We are not fighting against each other in a match, we are negotiating,which is not only black and white. But now, the school is pushing the parents to make a decision from the only two choice, yes or no。
Why the parents act so differently to before in this school years?
You are trying to handle these 3 difficult issues in one step and one same procedure:
1, 学位定金的截止时间正赶上休学期间,相当于,学校在对本学年的义务还未尽职之际,就开始催收下一年的费用。
2, 定金的涨价
3, 协议签署
The school handle these three requirementtogether:
1,  Deposit deadline: the postpone of semester 3 means the school haven’t complete the due work in 2019-2020, but already began to argue for the next year’s rights.
2,  The tuition increasement
3,  The contracts assignment.
Once the parents pay the deposit, they have to accept the increasement, to accpt the school plan for the leftover session of 2019-2020, and other terms.
The school have legal support team which is more effective than us, we believe if the school is willing, we can make a compromise and trade-off solution.
We are looking forward that both sides can assign a negotiation representative team and hold meetings to talk.
Although the letter shows school knows that a good school is integrally driven by students, parents and teachers, we still felt the unfair treatment at parents‘  side and the arrogant attitude in school’s service mindset in these days.
1, 为何学校要求家长2月3日回到深圳,学校单方面让家长守约的情况下,却宽松放任外教不回中国、更为甚者是回了中国后又返回家乡国?
When imforming the parents should come back to Shenzhen on Feb 3rd,but letting the foreign teachers stay at or even go back again to their home countries , on the other side most students families follow and comply with the notice, hurry back to Shenzhen in such a nervous situation.
2, 学校是否觉得中国家庭以及孩子们的抵抗力比外教更强,所以应该由孩子们来等外教,而不是外教来陪同孩子们?学校是否认为,学生不能迟到,但是老师可以?学校是否认为,学生应该接受不可抗的现状,而老师可以因为不可抗因素,成为另一种不可抗力让家长来接受?
Student’s are on-time, but the teachers and the school are not.  And do we parents have to accept the “non-countervailable” teachers as a new non-countervailable duty and debt on us?
3, 《声明》认为,单凭教育情怀,无法留住老师,所以,需要用涨薪来锁住,接着,学校再用催收定金的方式来“留(锁)住”家长,这是一种责任递推的理念、这是一种用钱锁住的三角关系?那么,我们又如何信任学校是一所“有教育情怀”的学校?我们又如何信任《声明》里说的“我们(校方)所追求的与我们所坚持的“?
Using a money-way to attract the new teachers and retain the old teachers, also collecting money from the parents to lock them to stay, is this a fair relationship between school, family and teachers?
4, 学校在危机事件中,是否更倾向使用美式的服务商与美式思路?
In this coronavirus situation, our school hadn’t prepared enough for the remote teaching before it notice the teacher to stay oversea .
Our school, who have been in China for more than 5 years, take it for granted, choose some American’s vendor and server, like Microsoft and Zoom, whose server are at abroad, thus caused the bad network connecting and caused a huge waste of time among students, teachers, and parents, eventually surrender and trade off to an email way. At the same time, ignoring that in China there are fast online-teaching service, most of which even are free to schools, like the Tencent and Ali for example.
We can doubt absolutely that this is a lazy mindset. School hadn’t changed and improve the service in the position of China, taking it for granted, thinking that it is parents and students who need to adapt to school, not the school should improve, somewhat we can call this mindset is arrogant too.
5, 学校的诸多回复,都如挤牙膏一般,晚于其它学校、晚于多名家长的质询之后发生。是否家长需要采取更加激烈的维权方式,才能得到学校的回应?是否没有让双方更加平等体面的沟通途径?
Our school, we can see in the process of dealing with this situation, replied and reacted slowly and passively, mostly after the other same kind of schools and after requirement again and again from parents.
We don’t hope to be forced to use a more intent way, why not open to a fair and elegant way for negotiations.
6, 我们深知学校催收定金,为的是确保学生人数与新学年的推广招生等工作。学生人数是一个商业型学校是否可以运转下去的生命线,而招生达标是每年预算里的重中之重。我们愿意开展“在商言商”的对话,而不希望看到学校以“招聘老师”的名义,来回复我们本次的纠纷。我们期待有认知能力的对象、被当成一个群体而非散开的个体、有情有理的伙伴来对话,而不希望被一条逻辑漏洞百出、行文傲慢的《声明》搪塞, 不希望被电话威胁解散家长群体,不希望在听到学校威胁活跃沟通的家长将辞退学生。
We do not accept The Letter used the teacher recruiting rather than talking about the pressure of budget and admission work. We understand that school need to collect the deposit to budget some admissions and marketing work in a new financial year, the earlier the better, and to lower the pressure of admission, to release more cashflow and attention on teaching. We can talk about it, not be noticed and warned, not be told an illogical excuse.
We hope to be treated as a rational group who can understand the business rule and education spirit. We hope to be treated as a group, not some individuals;  We don’t except to see an arrogant letter any more, we don’t except to receive threaten to dismiss the group , or to be warned that school can discontinue a child’s schooling if  his/her parent are too active in this negotiation.
7, 以上,搪塞、怠慢、不思进取、家长适应学校…的种种,是否挑战了您方所说的您方所追求的?校方团队是否有因为热爱而竭尽全力?我们又将以何种姿态,去教会我们的孩子,为热爱而较真?
All as the above, how to believe in the pursuit of school mentioned by The Letter?
Are we teaching the children to contribute all passions to what they love in such a way that the school show to them, indolent in thinking, passive in change, and arrogant to talk with partners?
About the explain for the tuition increase rate
Compared with five other international schools of the same nature in Shenzhen, the tuition increase rates for next school year varies from 5.3% to 8.93%, while the increase rate of our school year varied from 1.2% to 18.35%, while that of our school was 3%. Apparently we have almost the lowest average increase rates of these two tuition changes among these schools.
1, 学校是否可以公示一下《声明》中对比的对象?包括其学费与涨价幅度,而非仅仅比较百分比。
Can the  representative who make this comparation tell us more about whom are be compared with? How about their original tuition and the rates?
2, 学校在对比价格的同时,是否选择了在教学质量与学校场地硬件都较相近的对象进行比较?
Are the comparisons in the similar standard in the terms such as school resources and facilities, play ground and so on?




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