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2021学术竞赛John Locke Institute 写作竞赛入门一二

12654 人参与  2021年05月27日 17:02  分类 : 其它  评论

 喜欢写作的你,热爱科研的你,期待认可的你,冲击名校的你,最重要的全球高中生写作竞赛--John Locke来了!!!

2021学术竞赛John Locke Institute 写作竞赛入门一二  竞赛 第1张

2021学术竞赛John Locke Institute 写作竞赛入门一二  竞赛 第2张


John Locke Institute 简介

John Locke Institute 约翰·洛克学会




2021学术竞赛John Locke Institute 写作竞赛入门一二  竞赛 第3张

2021学术竞赛John Locke Institute 写作竞赛入门一二  竞赛 第2张




Candidates must be eighteen years old, or younger, on the date of the submission deadline, 30 June 2021. (Candidates for the Junior Prize must be fourteen years old, or younger, on the date of the submission deadline.)

竞赛接受来自任何国家任何学校的报名,但是参赛者的年龄在2021年6月30日前须在18岁及以下(Junior Category参赛者年龄在此日期前要在14岁及以下)


The Deadline for submissions is Wednesday, 30 June 2021 at 11:59pm, Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). 



2021学术竞赛John Locke Institute 写作竞赛入门一二  竞赛 第5张


每个类别的最佳论文都有一个奖项。每个学科类别的优胜者和青少年类别的优胜者将获得价值2 000美元的奖学金,用于支付参加约翰-洛克学院任何课程的费用,论文将在该学院的网站上发表。颁奖仪式将在牛津举行,届时,获奖者将能够与评委和约翰-洛克学院的其他教师见面。如果条件限制,也欢迎家人、朋友和老师参加。提交最佳论文的候选人将被授予约翰-洛克学院荣誉少年奖学金,并附带1万美元的奖学金,用于参加我们的一个或多个暑期学校和/或间隔年课程。


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2021学术竞赛John Locke Institute 写作竞赛入门一二  竞赛 第10张

Q1. Are there some subjects about which we should not even ask questions?

Q2. What is slavery? Is jury duty? Is conscription? Is income tax?

Q3. Are you more moral than most people you know? How do you know? Should you strive to be more moral? Why or why not?

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2021学术竞赛John Locke Institute 写作竞赛入门一二  竞赛 第14张

Q1. Discrimination on the basis of race is widely condemned, but on the basis of nationality it is widely accepted. Is it not odd that you may not discriminate against me for where my great-great-grandparents were born, but you may discriminate against me for where my parents were born?

Q2. Should the John Locke Institute change its name?

Q3. Do we need Greta?

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2021学术竞赛John Locke Institute 写作竞赛入门一二  竞赛 第18张

Q1. How would the education sector change if governments were no longer involved?

Q2. There is considerable excess demand for undergraduate places at Oxford. The admissions process rations supply by favouring cleverer students at the expense of others. Is this fair? Does it exacerbate inequality? What is the University’s optimal response to this scarcity?

Q3. Should we abolish the minimum wage?

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2021学术竞赛John Locke Institute 写作竞赛入门一二  竞赛 第22张

Q1. Should we judge those from the past by the standards of today? How will historians in the future judge us?

Q2. Has the ‘construct of gender’ been more beneficial or more harmful to humanity throughout history?

Q3. ‘More history has happened in Oxford, per square foot, than any other place in the world.’ Discuss.

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2021学术竞赛John Locke Institute 写作竞赛入门一二  竞赛 第26张

Q1. Do we do everything we do to maximise our own utility?

Q2. ‘The function of religions and cults, including the political or ideological ones, is to short-circuit the normal ‘common sense’ process of doubt, investigation, further doubt, further investigation… a belief system only requires a rule book (sacred scripture, Das Kapital, or whatever) and a good memory.’ Is this true? Does it matter?

Q3. Who is responsible for my mental health?

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2021学术竞赛John Locke Institute 写作竞赛入门一二  竞赛 第30张

Q1. Is Christianity a religion of peace?

Q2. Why did Jesus of Nazareth reserve his strongest condemnation for the self-righteous?

Q3. Did God create coronavirus?

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2021学术竞赛John Locke Institute 写作竞赛入门一二  竞赛 第34张

Q1. Should ‘innocent until proven guilty’ apply not only to courts of law, but also to public censure?

Q2. To what extent does a codified constitution help or hinder liberty?

Q3. When should force of law prevent a transaction, entered into freely between two competent, consenting adults?



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