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深国交Girls Not Brides(GNB) - 我们招新啦!

6467 人参与  2022年08月29日 11:29  分类 : 学在深国交  评论

Posted by: Alicia Zhang

随着新学期的到来和各式各样ECA的成立,我们Girls Not Brides (GNB)社团也迎来了第一次正式的社团招新!(可喜可贺可喜可贺!)




深国交Girls Not Brides(GNB) - 我们招新啦!  学在国交 深圳国际交流学院 深国交 第1张

作为SCIE 2022学年的新社团,我们Girls Not Brides (GNB)是一个旨在从人文关怀的角度看待并分析当下女孩被迫童婚问题的新社团。在现代社会不断对性别平等进行呼吁的环境下,GNB将会以“童婚”这一个具体的视角来审视性别不平等、文化差异、传统思想等问题对许多女孩带来的影响。



于是,开始重视童婚问题是我们共同的当务之急。抱着“Support, pioneer & educate” 的宗旨,我们GNB社团不仅将对女孩童婚问题进行科普、教育,也会包含对性别平等的支持、倡导。同时,我们将对世界各地童婚现象背后的根本原因,即社会传统和性别不平等现象进行从社会学、哲学、历史等角度的探讨和反思。


An introductory outlook of child marriage --- China and the globe

1) Child marriage in China

2) Child marriage in the world 

3) Case studies 

4) Why is it a problem

An analytical point of view --- how and why

1) What is behind the child marriage in China

2) Cross-sectional studies – child marriage in e.g. India, South Asia, Africa

3) Recap: the general patterns of causes 

An in-depth evaluation --- social debates, existing hindrance and future solutions

1) Child marriage - from the perspective of a “tradition”

2) Child marriage – from the perspective of gender inequality 

3) Child marriage – from a socio-economic perspective 

4) Various concerns regarding the problem 

5) What are the existing challenges 

6) Future proposals 

Extend our reach --- A general learning on feminism, gender equality, public health/welfare systems, etc.

1) A retrospect: waves of feminism 

2) What are you talking about when it comes to gender equality 

3) Feminism in the context of China 

4) Feminism in the context of the West 

5) Welfare system and gender egalitarianism 

6) Sex education and child marriage 

To be continued ……

FWI: 除去SCIE常规的社团活动之外,我们还计划开展像workshops/debates/book fairs等多元化的校内活动,而这类活动很有可能是面向所有国交学生的(是的 ,不论年级/身份/是否是社团的成员)!所以如果有兴趣的话请大家一定记得关注我们的公众号。以便获取未来更多精彩的消息!!!




- 副社长一名(a vice-president)


  • 了解社团的运营模式,帮助社长管理/规划社团

  • 负责一部分近期招新的事务(主要是对directors的招新)

  • 尽量每次出席/帮忙规划社团活动

  • 负责一共1-2次的社团活动的presentation

  • 协调并监督directors的工作


  • 能够将课外时间优先奉献给社团(预计需要每周0.5-3小时的时间,具体长短视社团当周的安排而定)

  • 行动力较强或工作效率较高

  • 优先考虑G2同学,其次是同年级的A1生

- 各部门部长(directors for each department)

1. 宣传 Advertising 


  • 规划并长期运营GNB的微信公众号(更新频率约1-2周一次)

  • 管理并运营GNB的国际社交媒体账号(e.g. Instagram, Facebook, Twitter) - 约一个月1-2次的频率的更新

  • 监督/记录社团成员转发宣传GNB的次数


  • 能够较熟练的编辑+排版微信公众号的文案

  • 中英文转换和输出能力强(或者能主要负责其中一门语言的输出)

  • 能够较熟练地运用多种social media 

2. 策划 Planning 


  • 规划除常规一周一次的社团活动之外的活动/项目(e.g. online discussion/debates)

  • 偶尔参与常规社活的规划

  • 偶尔负责寻找与社团主旨相契合的话题+整理话题框架


  • 有较强的规划能力,能在制定计划时考虑到细节及计划整体的可实施性

  • 条理清晰,思考能力强

  • 对资料搜寻的能力较强

  • 优先考虑有充足的人文社科背景知识的同学

3. 外联 Outreach 


  • 寻找SCIE校内正在运营的、有合作可能的组织(e.g. captivating或其他的校内社团)

  • 寻找校外正在运营的、有合作可能的组织(e.g. The Pad Project, the global partnership and NGO Girls Not Brides, etc.) 

  • 在社交媒体上尝试发掘有跟社团文化相关背景的人/群体/组织(为可能的采访做准备)


  • 能在课余时间处理碎片化的任务

  • 沟通协商能力较强,适合寻找社团可能的partnerships

  • 优先考虑曾是校内/校外其他与GNB社团宗旨相似组织的成员

最后,我们想告诉大家 5 reasons that you need to join our GNB:


1.  We are with the UNICEF!

Child marriage has been a given an increasing attention by various global organizations, most prominently the UNICEF. As our club Girls Not Brides was initially a response to the UNICEF’s call for protection over the young girls, we will be aligned with UNICEF’s mission to create better communities for all children.

2. We are the pioneer!

GNB is the first-ever intramural club that specifically studies the issue of child marriage both in SCIE and among all other international schools in Shenzhen. Its uniqueness puts us up as the pioneers of this particular field.

3. We are the best educators!

GNB has a sharp focus on studying the issue of child marriage, and we aim to adopt a systematic learning schedule designed by ourselves to offer everyone diverse angles to approach this topic. Unlike other ECAs (not naming any of them:)) in SCIE whose periods are dominated by one presenter talking to him/her-self on an unexciting topic, GNB focuses on the maximal engagement of everyone via ways like holding group discussions or debates on a topic that enthralls everyone. 

4. Your voice matters!

It is proud of us to say that an important part of our club culture is that EVERYONE’S VOICE MATTERS! In GNB, we strongly encourage the expression of new ideas and the exchange of opinions. Whether it is a suggestion on our management, a personal story to tell, or a new argument on the topic we discuss, you are always, always appreciated for speaking it out!

5. Your application matters!

As a young and fast-growing ECA, GNB is a perfect platform for demonstration of leadership, teamworking, creativity and personality. These are particularly important aspects that display your “profile” to whichever universities you intend to go to. The most successful university applicants are always the ones with profound and consistent experiences in the clubs that are personally important to them, and GNB will definitely be one of them!




Lastly, if you are interested to join us as a regular member or a member in the leading position, feel free to contact us via the QR codes down below. (Wechat group for our new members + Wechat of our president)

深国交Girls Not Brides(GNB) - 我们招新啦!  学在国交 深圳国际交流学院 深国交 第2张
深国交Girls Not Brides(GNB) - 我们招新啦!  学在国交 深圳国际交流学院 深国交 第3张
深国交Girls Not Brides(GNB) - 我们招新啦!  学在国交 深圳国际交流学院 深国交 第4张

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本篇文章来源于微信公众号: Girls Not Brides



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