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Financial Express No. 31 | 人民币兑美元汇率低至十年低位

10542 人参与  2018年11月06日 17:55  分类 : 深国交金融社  评论

Financial Express No. 31 | 人民币兑美元汇率低至十年低位 深国交 深国交金融社 学在国交 第1张


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Financial Express No. 31 | 人民币兑美元汇率低至十年低位 深国交 深国交金融社 学在国交 第2张

The yuan declined to 6.9644 per dollar at midday, passing its most recent low in 2016 before recovering slightly. It was the lowest level since May 2008.

The currency's weakness is one of a series of elements fueling Washington's trade complaints against Beijing. The U.S. Treasury Department declined this month to label China a currency manipulator but said it was closely watching Beijing.

Chinese authorities have promised to avoid "competitive devaluation" to boost exports amid a tariff war with U.S. President Donald Trump. But they are trying to make the state-controlled exchange rate more responsive to market forces, which are pushing the yuan lower.







Financial Express No. 31 | 人民币兑美元汇率低至十年低位 深国交 深国交金融社 学在国交 第3张

On October 26, Alibaba announced A joint venture with YNAP, a luxury e-retailer owned by richemont, vacheron, and count, the original company of hard luxury brands. News of Alibaba's contact with YNAP began in July last year, and more than a year later, a cooperation plan was finally announced. It's no exaggeration to say that YNAP is the world's largest luxury e-commerce platform. According to the latest data, YNAP owns nearly 1,000 luxury brands, designer brands and beauty cosmetics brands. As a result, Ali and YNAP's collaboration attracts a lot of attention.

10月26日,阿里宣布与卡地亚、江诗丹顿、伯爵等硬奢品牌母公司历峰集团旗下奢侈品电商Yoox Net-A-Porter(简称YNAP)成立合资公司。去年7月就传出了阿里与YNAP接触的消息,一年多过去,合作方案终于出炉。说YNAP是全球最大的奢侈品电商平台并不夸张。最新数据显示,YNAP旗下已经囊括了近1000个奢侈品品牌、设计师品牌和美妆品牌。因此,阿里和YNAP的合作备受关注。



Financial Express No. 31 | 人民币兑美元汇率低至十年低位 深国交 深国交金融社 学在国交 第4张

Chinese President Xi Jinping said on Wednesday that China’s reform and opening up will never stop, and China will make new achievements in the next 40 years that will impress the whole world. President Xi made the remarks while visiting an exhibition on south China’s Guangdong Province’s development over the past 40 years of reform and opening up, part of his inspection tour in the province from October 22 to 25. President Xi said this year marks the 40th anniversary of China’s implementation of the economic reform and opening-up policies, and the country has made remarkable achievements over the last few decades.Though there are difficulties and problems, we must overcome them and solve them, said Xi. We must firmly follow the path of reform and opening up and explore more in-depth and broader areas, he added. 



前央视主持人李咏因癌症去世 享年50岁

Financial Express No. 31 | 人民币兑美元汇率低至十年低位 深国交 深国交金融社 学在国交 第5张

Former CCTV anchorman Li Yong died on Oct 25 at age 50 after 17 months of battle against cancer.Ha Wen, television director and wife of Li, released a statement on her official Sina Weibo account which reads "I have lost my love, after 17 months of cancer therapy at 5:20 am on Oct 25, 2018, in the United States."



Financial Express No. 31 | 人民币兑美元汇率低至十年低位 深国交 深国交金融社 学在国交 第6张

The Justice Department on Tuesday unsealed charges against 10 Chinese spies, hackers and others accused of conspiring to steal sensitive commercial airline and other secrets from U.S. and European companies.The indictment marks the third time since September that the United States has brought charges against Chinese intelligence officers and their recruits for stealing American intellectual property. The alleged conspiracy ran for at least five years beginning in 2010, and focused on the theft of technology underlying a turbofan engine used in U.S. and European commercial jets, officials said. The engine was being developed through a partnership between a French company with an office in Suzhou, China, and a U.S. company。‘We will redouble our efforts to safeguard America’s ingenuity and investment.’ Assistant Attorney General John Demers said.

周二,美国司法部公开了对10名中国间谍、黑客和其他被指控密谋从美国和欧洲公司窃取敏感商业航空公司和其他秘密的人的指控。自9月份以来,美国第三次起诉中国情报官员及其雇员盗窃美国知识产权据称,该阴谋从2010开始,至少持续了五年,重点是在美国和欧洲商用喷气式飞机上使用的涡扇发动机的技术盗窃。这家发动机是通过一家法国公司、中国苏州的一家公司和一家美国公司的合作开发的。助理检察长John Demers说,’我们将加倍努力保护美国的创造力和投资’。



Financial Express No. 31 | 人民币兑美元汇率低至十年低位 深国交 深国交金融社 学在国交 第7张

"We will look at it very critically," Johnston said of cannabis on an interview with CNBC."But I am not prepared to share any plans that we may have in the space right now."But he said the company would "turn over every stone to look for growth."

"It's fair to say we look at everything, but certainly no plans at this point to do anything," Johnston said.The stock was down 1.7 percent to $108.88 as of 9:04 a.m. in New York.The beverages in question wouldn’t focus on THC, the psychoactive component of marijuana of which Coke has no interest, but rather CBD, which is widely used in wellness products. The proposed product would focus on easing inflammation, pain, and cramping, says Bloomberg.Cannabis-infused drinks have been seen as a potential growth area for soda and spirits companies that have had trouble boosting sales.Canada is set to legalize cannabis on October 17 after both houses of Parliament voted to make the drug available for recreational use.




Financial Express No. 31 | 人民币兑美元汇率低至十年低位 深国交 深国交金融社 学在国交 第8张


The U.S. trade deficit in goods and services continued to widen to a seven-month high in September, Commerce Department data showed Thursday. Economists generally agree that unilateral U.S. trade protectionism does not reduce the trade deficit. Instead, the us trade deficit will continue to expand as the us fiscal deficit widens, private saving falls, interest rates rise and the dollar rises.



Financial Express No. 31 | 人民币兑美元汇率低至十年低位 深国交 深国交金融社 学在国交 第9张

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